Amazon Product Photography

Think about this: You’re looking online for a brand-new, handcrafted, antique diary. Two alternatives are available to you:

Option A: An image that’s too dark and grainy to properly read the diary.

Option B: A very clear, crisp photo highlighting the notebook’s features and layout.

Given that both images depict distinct old diaries, which would you choose?

Although the two images depict several old journals, which one would you choose?

As you can’t really see what you’re receiving, you would definitely pass on option A. Therefore, option B is probably what you would choose. And that’s where the significance of Amazon product photography increases.

Good photos are essential for showcasing your brand and, more significantly, for increasing the amount of people who click on your items and make a purchase. People will not even give your things a second look if your photographs are of poor quality, regardless of how fantastic your brand is or how helpful your customer service is.

What is Amazon product photography?

Amazon product photography involves taking appealing pictures of products that are shown on the Amazon website. In addition to helping sellers differentiate their items from the competition and attract prospective buyers, eye-catching images are essential for developing a strong brand.

Both companies and consumers gain from high-quality photographs in the realm of online shopping, where buyers cannot physically touch things before making a purchase. Customers depend on brands’ pictures to tell their stories and utilize them to help them make well-informed purchasing choices.

However, taking a good shot of a product is not the only aspect of Amazon product photography. It entails comprehending consumer psychology and being aware of the most effective ways to showcase the goods.

To emphasize the special qualities and advantages of the product entails choosing the appropriate lighting, angle, and composition. Offering lifestyle photos or context is crucial to assist clients in understanding how the product fits into their lives.

For Illustration:

Apple is a fantastic illustration of how to take outstanding product photos on Amazon. Their straightforward, minimalistic style is well-known, emphasizing highlighting the product’s functionality and design against a white backdrop.

Apple uses imagery that speaks to its basic values of luxury and innovation, inspiring customers to consider themselves creative and inventive.

You can get insight into product photography strategies from Apple as an Amazon vendor. Use graphics to convey your brand’s identity and positioning clearly and concisely. To help buyers better grasp how your product fits into their lives, consider providing examples of it in use or context.

For example, if you are marketing a kitchen appliance, show it in use in a kitchen environment. By giving consumers this additional information, you may increase sales and assist them in making informed purchases.

Why is Amazon product photography important?

Even though you may already be aware of how important having quality photos is, let’s explore some more ways that Amazon photography may advance your business.

  • Draws in prospective clients

In a congested market, drawing in potential clients requires high-quality product images. Images with clarity and appeal are more likely to draw viewers in and encourage clicks and sales.

  • Shows the product accurately

Product photos have to show the actual item that is being offered on Amazon. Maintaining consumer satisfaction and minimizing returns or unfavorable reviews are contingent upon this.

Ecommerce Product Photography: Examples, Tips, and Creative Ideas
consumer satisfaction and minimizing returns or unfavorable reviews are contingent upon this. • Develops consumer trust Stylish and well-done product photography contributes to the development of consumer trust. Well-presented items inspire favorable evaluations and give consumers confidence in their purchases. • Enhances perceived value Good product photography may enhance a product's attractiveness to consumers by making it seem more precious, opulent, or desired. • Improves search rankings Product image quality is taken into account by Amazon's search algorithm. Better photos may increase a product's exposure in search results, making it simpler for prospective buyers to locate.
  • Develops consumer trust

Stylish and well-done product photography contributes to the development of consumer trust. Well-presented items inspire favorable evaluations and give consumers confidence in their purchases.

  • Enhances perceived value

Good product photography may enhance a product’s attractiveness to consumers by making it seem more precious, opulent, or desired.

  • Improves search rankings

Product image quality is taken into account by Amazon’s search algorithm. Better photos may increase a product’s exposure in search results, making it simpler for prospective buyers to locate.

  • Develops a strong brand identity

Creating a distinctive value proposition, visual branding, and consistent messaging, all contribute to developing a strong brand identity. Customers will be more likely to recall and identify your brand, increasing repeat business and consumer loyalty.

Ecommerce Product Photography: Examples, Tips, and Creative Ideas

Best tips for greater product click-through and conversion photography

There are important considerations to make when trying to increase click-through rates (CTR) and conversions. Check out these suggestions for creating captivating product photos to pique the attention of prospective buyers and increase sales.

  • Use high-quality images

Product images of the highest caliber increase buyers’ likelihood of clicking on your item. Customers are more likely to trust a vendor and feel more confident about making a purchase when they see crisp, well-lit photographs that display the goods from many perspectives. Customers may choose products more wisely when all of the information about them, including any potential defects and unique qualities, is readily available

  • Include lifestyle shots

Customers may see the size and functionality of the product in real life via lifestyle photos. They facilitate visualization by assisting individuals in seeing how the product will fit into their lives. This narrative technique works very well for products intended for specific uses or environments, like sporting goods, home décor, or camping gear.

  • Better conversions with A+ content

A+ content is useful when you want to consistently maintain your brand’s appearance and feel. With the help of this tool on Amazon, merchants may add more pictures, videos, and text to their product description pages. You may increase your product page’s attention and educational value and perhaps increase conversion rates by using A+ content.

Having A+ content also helps keep the brand image consistent in all of our product descriptions and photos. All of your A+ material may have the same fonts, colors, and styles, giving your brand a cohesive appearance. By doing this, you differentiate your items from the competition and gain the confidence of prospective buyers.

You may also include more information about your items, such as their characteristics and advantages, as well as use instructions using A+ content. Customers benefit from this by making better-informed purchasing decisions and feeling more assured about your brand and goods.

To put it simply, maintaining consistent branding throughout your product photographs and top-notch content may help your business come off as polished and competent. It makes you stand out in a crowded market and could increase sales.

  • Follow Amazon’s guidelines

 Sellers must abide by the guidelines that Amazon establishes for product photos. These guidelines address aspects such as picture dimensions, quality, format, backdrop, angle, and lighting appearance. Ensuring that every product picture on the platform is of the highest caliber will help buyers feel more confident about what they see and increase the likelihood of a sale. 

For this reason, you must abide by Amazon’s policies when uploading product images. Ensuring that your photographs fulfill Amazon’s quality criteria helps you stand out from the competition, gain the confidence of prospective customers, and boost sales.

Ecommerce Product Photography: Examples, Tips, and Creative Ideas
  • Show the product’s unique features

The majority of internet shoppers use product photos to choose whether or not to make a purchase. Customers can better understand why your product is distinctive and why they should choose it over competitors when you emphasize its unique features in your Amazon images.

Thus, showcasing the distinctive qualities of your product in your Amazon images might increase conversion rates. It makes it easier for prospective customers to understand what makes your product unique and why they should choose it over competing models.

  • Optimize for mobile

It is important to ensure that your product photographs look good on mobile devices as more and more customers are purchasing them. To prevent upsetting clients, they must load quickly and be simple to read and navigate on smaller displays.

Customers will find it easier to browse and engage with your photographs on their phones when you optimize your product photos for mobile. And it may increase the likelihood that you will close a deal.

By following these guidelines, you may create visually appealing product photos, provide information, and increase sales. Remember that your product images are often the first thing buyers view, so taking the time to make them excellent may be quite beneficial.

Is it necessary to hire a professional photographer?

Although it’s not always necessary, working with a professional photographer might be wise for the following reasons:

Ecommerce Product Photography: Examples, Tips, and Creative Ideas
  • High-quality photos

Experts possess the tools, knowledge, and abilities to make your things seem fantastic. They present your products with the greatest potential light using composition, lighting, and other techniques. This may improve your brand and increase revenue. Additionally, they often collaborate with retouching services to guarantee your photos stand out and seem perfect.

  • Time-saving

It might take a lot of effort to get excellent product photos, particularly if you’re not a photography wiz. Hiring an expert allows you to concentrate on other crucial areas of your company, such as marketing and product development.

  • Consistency

Experts can ensure that your product photos’ style, lighting, and arrangement are consistent. This offers your company a professional, polished appearance that fosters client loyalty and promotes confidence.

  • Being aware of Amazon’s policies

Amazon has tight requirements for product photos, including dimensions and backdrop color. Experts who are well familiar with these guidelines may ensure that your photos adhere to them, preventing any issues with your listings.

  • Increased sales

Captivating and engaging product photos increase the number of consumers and increase sales. Investing in professional photographs can increase your chances of success on Amazon.

Although you can take your own photos or use a cheap camera, professional photography may truly bring out the best in your items and help you grow your company.


Amazon product photography is vital for any e-commerce business to thrive. It doesn’t just make products look good but also tells potential buyers important details about them. In today’s competitive online scene, top-notch product photos can be the deal-breaker in getting and keeping customers, leading to more sales.

Always remember, a picture speaks volumes, so make each one count!

Of course, awesome images are just one piece of the puzzle for a successful Amazon listing. Other important elements include catchy product titles, bullet points, using the right keywords, and clear product descriptions.